Wish lists

Do you have a wish list? I do and I am having a very difficult time putting items on it. Funny, since a wish list has no boundaries, it is supposedly limitless. Nevertheless, deep down in my core, I am a conservationist; I try to only take/want/need what is necessary. When I think about what I want or need, I simply conclude, I really do have everything I need and then some. Yes, I am very grateful for my good fortune. Besides, after moving as much as we have, who wants to pack more unnecessary stuff?

Mathew has a wish list too. Actually, he was the first one in our family to develop one. Then Mike got one and it just seemed like I should have one too. What I am referring to is an Amazon wish list. I heard about it from a friend whose whole family had their own. It seemed like a great idea for birthdays and holiday gifts. There is always someone who asks me, “What would Mathew want?” In my mind, I thought I could just tell them about Mathew’s wish list – simple! Every time, Mathew tells me that he wants something, I tell him, “Put it on your wish list and maybe some one will buy it for you.” Mathew LOVES the idea and is grateful when items from the list are given to him and there has been no complaints when items sit on the lists for years, because the potential is always there.  Even though it is his wish list, I have had to put the brakes on his additions. Basically, 50 items seems very gluttonous to me, so he cannot have more than 50. That means periodically he must purge his list if he wants to make additions.

I am not as enthusiastic about the concept of the wish list anymore as it just feels like Mathew is buying into (no pun intended) a consumerist society that I try to escape daily. However, it does alleviate the chore of helping others find gifts for Mathew. Whenever some one says, “Wow, there are so many things on his list. Is there anything he really wants?” I just say, you really can’t go wrong, he wants everything on the list and will be happy with any item he receives,” which is very true.

Do you have a wish list? How do you feel about wish lists? Please share, I would love hearing your thoughts, as I am not so sure cultivating wish lists are the best approach to gift giving and receiving.

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