Taking charge of our healthcare

Our Apothecary

Our Apothecary

A while back, my brother and his wife came up to visit for the weekend. Susan, my sister-in-law needed something from a pharmacy and asked me where to go. I mentioned the two local national chain pharmacies and she asked me which one I liked. At that moment, I realized that I had no opinion. Even though we moved to this area over two years ago, I never visited either one except for developing film. All of sudden, I realized my family had turned the corner. We have been in charge of our health care, nourishing our systems without the aid of mass-produced pharmaceuticals or allopathic medicine. Allopathy is a biologically or western-based approach to healing. For instance, if a patient has high blood pressure, an allopathic physician might give him/her a drug that lowers blood pressure. Then, perhaps, recommend lifestyle changes to facilitate lowering blood pressure, as well. Maybe.

I am not a purist. I appreciate all medical modalities and know there is a place for each one. We do have an allopathic family physician that we see for annual check-ups and blood-work. Over the years, it has felt like many physicians simply throw a pill at an illness. That style just does not fit us. When an illness or medical situation rears its head in our family, our first line of attack is to nourish our bodies, and strengthen our natural defenses. If my approach does not find positive results, of course, I would seek medical advice. However, as the years have passed, this tends to happens less and less.

For the most part, we have been able to nourish our bodies and take care of our health issues on our own. This did not happen overnight, but has evolved over the years. After much thought, I realized it started with how we view our bodies. Our bodies are quite amazing. They adapt to stressful conditions and have many lines of defense against invaders. When our systems are weakened or stressed, they need extra help, nutritious unprocessed food, exercise or rest and nourishing herbs. Through the years, we have learned what our bodies need at different times of the year. As our awareness of nutritious foods grew, we need less intervention from medicinal herbs to combat illness. Our focus, has switched from “fighting” illness to nourishing our bodies.

Although, you can find ibuprofen in our medicine cabinets, they tend to be stocked with tinctures rather than pills. Our pantry has more herbs for nourishing teas than culinary uses. Moreover, the best part is that many culinary herbs are medicinal as well as delicious!

The other day, I got a call from the school nurse who asked if I was in town. Apparently, Mathew’s arm was aching and he requested arnica for it. She didn’t have any, tried a warm compress, which didn’t work and hoped I would be able to come by to administer some arnica to Mathew. Arnica montana is wonderful for pain relief for strains, sprains, and bruises. It works by stimulating the flow of white blood cells that process congested blood and by dispersing trapped fluid from joints, muscles and bruised tissue. Mathew has been a big fan for many years. When I got off the phone with the school nurse, our conversation gave me pause as it validate that our family has indeed taken charge of our healthcare.

All information is shared for educational purposes only and is not intended to diagnose or treat any condition.

Getting the red and mucus out

Dylan with pink eyeWhen we humans travel, generally we stay in a hotel or bed & breakfast for the night, not so with our dog. When we go out of town, we send Dylan to the Lucky Dog Inn and Cat Spa. It’s a wonderful place. He gets to run around in a large fenced-in area for at least three hours a day with his pals. By “pals,” I mean other dogs he gets along with. From reports, they tend to be little fluffy dogs. Apparently, Dylan is too timid to hang out with the big dogs. When he gets back home, he tends to be mellow, less needy and not so neurotic, for at least a couple of days. Then he is back to his old crazy self.

Unfortunately, this last time he came home with pink eye (conjunctivitis). Pink eye is a very contagious infection of the mucus membranes around the dog’s eyes (the conjunctiva). It leads to very sore, itchy eyes and a mucus discharge. There are many possible causes: bacteria, viral, or fungal infection, allergies, irritants, stress, injury or simply genetics.

When humans get pink eye, a common treatment is to apply a chamomile teabag. It’s very simple, all you need to do is steep the tea bag in hot water, let it cool, and then lay it directly on the infected closed eye. The person simply lies down and relaxes while the chamomile relieves the eye(s). So, we decided to try this before taking Dylan to the vet. Since, it would be awkward to hold warm tea bags or compresses over Dylan eyes for any length of time; we opted to wipe away the mucus discharge from his eyes with a tissue dipped in a chamomile and calendula infusion, and then flush the eyes with it. We use a tissue so it could be thrown away and help prevent any re-infection. We decided to combine chamomile and calendula because they both are very soothing and have great healing qualities. Chamomile is known for its antiseptic, anti-irritant, anti-microbial anti-inflammation and pain relieving properties. Calendula has many of the same healing properties.

So, every day whenever I noticed mucus discharging from his eye, I wiped it away with an infusion soaked tissue. His eyes seem to have the most discharge when he wakes up in the mornings. Within three days, there was great improvement and within a week, there was very little discharge. I will continue to be vigilant and not allow the infection to take hold again. Nevertheless, I think we found a great remedy, if he ever gets pink eye again. What do you do when your dog gets pink eye? Please share and I will continue to share.

All information is shared for educational purposes only and is not intended to diagnose or treat any condition.