Creating a path

I’m not much of a gardener. I just can’t seem to be Zen with it. Farming is my husband’s gig. Without a doubt, I am a forager down to the bone. Foraging is where I find joy and peace of mind. When I’m outdoors, I enjoy exploring, listening and watching the miracles around me and gathering for our meals. So, I do yard work only when necessary, which tends to be more often than I would like. Unfortunately, since the plants on our land do not make room for us, I must make the room by mowing and pruning. Some people love tending to their landscape; I do not. Nevertheless, you gotta do what you gotta do.

hedges not pruned 2

hedges not pruned

The other day I decided that the hedges had taken up more of than its fair share of the path to our front door. It was a big chore for me, because I try to prune hard and the hedges are above my head and wide. Even with a ladder, it’s a challenge. Nonetheless, I decided to bring back order to the hedges and regain some control over our path, at least for a while. I am not very creative when pruning, I wouldn’t even call my job neat; perhaps utilitarian is a better term for my work.

I was not always this way. At another house we lived in years ago, I did try to be creative with our hedges. We had four varieties of hedges lining both sides of our walkway. My plan was to have each side of the path grow into each other and prune them in a way that suggested waves. Over two years, I handpruned the walkway and they started growing into each other and appeared to flow together. It was starting to look like what I had envisioned. Then one day while I was away, Mike had some guys come over to mow the lawn and do various yard chores, including prune the hedges. The fellow proceeded to prune the hedges without any instructions; the result was traditional rounded, separate bushes; no more integrated wavy hedges. I was devastated. That was the last time I attempted to creatively landscape; it’s all utilitarian now.

After a couple hours of pruning, the hedges were done. Now we can walk to our front door without our heads and shoulders being assaulted by the hedges. I have to admit, it felt somewhat rewarding to have completed the task.  Utilitarian one may say.hedges pruned 2hedges pruned

Dear Monro,

I have been going to your shop for the last three years, and enjoy using my discount coupons for an oil change. Your managers are always pleasant and appear honest when they tell me something is wrong with my car. I have to admit, once I know something needs to be fixed, I do shop around for the best deal. At first, your repair prices never could compete with Toyota or Honda (I know that seems odd, but its true nonetheless). But now I have found you have the better price. Therefore, I also take my car to you for repairs. Other than the sometimes very loooooong wait for my car to be serviced, I am really happy to give you my business.

Recently, I visited your shop for an oil change. A woman perhaps in her 80s holding her Pomeranian came in for an oil change as well. She sat down on the chair to wait and fell asleep holding her dog in her arms. After a while, the service manager came out and woke her up. He tried explaining to her that she didn’t need an oil change; she just had one done in June, only 500 miles ago. She appeared to be confused and had a difficult time understanding what she was being told. She tried to explain that she received a coupon in the mail.  She was upset since she already written out the check; she didn’t know what to do. He was very patient and explained over and over again, that she did not need an oil change and there was no reason for it to be done. She seemed more upset that she had already written out the check. The service manager told her to void the check. Finally, she accepted that she wasn’t going to have an oil change (or use her check) and left. Before she walked out, she mentioned that she only drives to the store on Thursdays.

Today, my faith in auto mechanics and service managers was renewed. I witnessed a very beautiful moment. I will no doubt continue to bring my cars to Monro and recommend you to anyone that will listen.

Thank you Monro.