Nourishing the body

Like most people, I’d rather be healthy than sick. I try my best to nourish my body so it is strong and can fight invading germs and viruses. I am particularly vigilant during the fall and winter months, as we travel quite a bit and I want to enjoy my time away as well as not expose others to unwelcomed germs.

During the holidays it is so easy to be caught up in all the excitement, and so we tend to run our systems down. We might indulge in more alcohol and/or sweets, get less sleep, and life can be very demanding and stressful. We tend to spend more time indoors and less time breathing fresh air. This is the perfect recipe for opportunist germs to overwhelm our immune system.

Sure, we can all refrain from the “bad things” and make sure we get a good night sleep, eat well….but hey – it’s the holidays! So if you do not have the best self-control, what can you do to nourish your body so it can fight off all those cold and flu viruses floating around at parties, the airports and malls?

  •  The major champion for our family is Elderberry syrup. We start taking it around late September, early October. In the fall, after a summer of outdoor fun, Mathew spends a lot of time indoors with his classmates and their germs. So, we take Elderberry syrup daily until around late March. It strengthens and nourishes the immune system so it can fight off cold and flu viruses as well as lessen symptoms and duration of the illness.
  •  When we prepare meals, they are packed with Garlic. It makes foods tastes great but it is also awesome at boosting the immune system, it is antibacterial, antimicrobial, a cardio-tonic, and anticancer. When cooking with Garlic always remember to let it sit for 10 minutes after it has been chopped/minced/crushed to allow for the chemical reaction that creates allicin, which is the chemical behind all of garlic’s health-promoting benefits. Here’s what happens: a sulfur-based compound called alliin and an enzyme called alliinase are separated in the garlic’s cell structure when it is whole. Cutting garlic ruptures the cells and releases these elements, allowing them to come in contact and they form the magical new compound called allicin. If you don’t wait, you don’t get the healing properties. Be patient.
  • When we make soup or stew, we add strips of Astragalous Root, a great herb for boosting your immune system, and helps fight off any cold and flu viruses. It is not meant to be eaten, just for releasing its medicinal qualities, so remove before serving. You can find it at a Chinese herbal shop (they look like tongue depressors). I like making big batches of soup packed with tons of vegetables and healing herbs. They are yummy, easy (you just throw everything in one pot), nourishing and lasts for a couple meals – if you are lucky. Who has time to cook every night?
  • I add Ashwagandha Honey to my coffee, oatmeal and love peanut butter honey sandwiches or simply on toast.   Ashwagandha is a wonderful energy builder, it increases the body’s ability to adapt to and resist stress, along with dealing with tension and anxiety. It helps increase memory, facilitates learning, promotes general well being and enhances stamina. It is also a great herb, which helps the body recover after chemotherapy and radiation treatment. It is no doubt the perfect herb to help your body get through the holiday season.

I find it very important to be proactive. If you feel like something might be brewing, do something immediately. Sure, it would be great to get some rest or hike in the fresh air, but you are very busy and even though you should pause, you can’t – so make sure you nourish your system.

  • Instead of taking Elderberry syrup once a day, take it 3 times.
  • If you have a tickle in your throat– suck on Elderberry Zinc lozenges, the combination tends to thwart a cold virus from taking hold (don’t over do it because too much zinc will give you a metallic taste, which doesn’t go well with wine).
  • Flush your nasal passages with a neti pot – get the gunk out.
  • Eat spicy foods so you sweat and your nose runs – get the gunk out!
  • Drink some tea – most people do not have an apothecary of herbs to choose from, so Traditional Medicinals has a great tea line packed with organic healing herbs. When making tea, steep longer than the box says – at least an hour or so. This will help release the medicinal qualities of the herbs. If you are on the run, make a quart mason jar of tea before you leave the house and sip it all day.
  • Ginger root is great to add to tea. It’s makes everything taste yummy as well as alleviates nausea, it’s also antibacterial, antiviral, a circulatory stimulate, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, anti-fungal, anti-clotting, it helps to dispel gas and prevent bloating, anti-arthritic, analgesic, and promotes sweating. Plus, ginger really helps with coughs. It is an expectorant as well, and helps thin mucous so you can move it up and out. Since it is antibacterial and antiviral it helps with respiratory infections.

Okay, hopefully I have armed you with some easy items that can keep you and your family strong throughout the holidays and winter months. Now, go out and enjoy yourself!

What do you do to keep healthy throughout the winter? Please share and I will continue to share.

All information is shared for educational purposes only and has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.  This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.



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