Yes, I am a wimp



I love being outdoors and communing with nature. However, if the temperature dips under 20° F, I am not going out. Yes, I am a wimp. I have always known this, but living in western New York, it has become ever so apparent. I keep running into hardy women who are 15 to 20 years my senior, who look at me strangely, when I tell them that I don’t hike on days colder than 20° F. They simply say – “Just put on another layer dear.” Well folks, no matter how many layers are on this body, it’s too damn cold. On days I walk to yoga from my car, just a couple of blocks, my lungs hurt from the cold air, even though I have a scarf covering my mouth and nose in an attempt to warm the air.

This winter has been brutal, but I did find some days to go out and hike. Recently, I visited some of my favorite spots. The ice was treacherous, making most paths impassable, but magical nonetheless.

The Universe is calling me outside when I wake up to winter blue skies and it's warmer than 20° F.

The Universe is calling me outside when I wake up to winter blue skies and it’s warmer than 20° F.


You would never know that there was a path on the other side of the bridge. The ice was so thick it would have been easier to skate on it, than to walk on it.

You would never guess that there was a path on the other side of the bridge. The ice was so thick it would have been easier to skate on it, than to walk on it.

Looking down into a frozen gorge and waterfall.

Looking down into a frozen gorge and waterfall.

frozen moss

Another frozen path

Another frozen path

Frozen stairs

Frozen stairs

clear isicle

Click on photos to enlarge.

Very busy builders

Summer was jammed packed. We were blessed with so many visits to and from friends and family. Life was crazy and the typical flow of the school year was out the door. Each week was new and wonderfully different, the summer simply flew by; I can’t believe its September already.

As school starts, life goes back to a more structured routine. For me, part of that involves driving Mathew to school in the morning, then going for a hike after I drop him off. I know, lucky me. Yep, I cannot disagree.

The other day, I decided to visit Upper Buttermilk Falls, as I hadn’t been there since the beginning of the summer. I was wondering what late summer flowers or fruits I was going to find. To my surprise, I found little sculpture gardens by the rivers edge. It was as if little elves or forest fairies built them.

This is just a sample of what I found. There were so many interesting sculptures to see.

rock art 3


rock art 2

rock art