Goldenrod is always there when you need it

My savior

I woke up the other morning with thick, watery, itchy eyes, a lump in my throat and a heavy feeling. I had one of those WOW moments. These were obviously allergies symptoms, which have thankfully become strangers to my body. Although, I could remember when we were close roommates for years, they have been now just a memory since I met Goldenrod (Solidago, spp.), who turned my life around. I have not felt this way in such a long time.

There was a time when I couldn’t get a handle on my allergy symptoms; I was a mess.  I took and tried everything, I used the neti pot, took Claritin, Nasacort, Allegena (homeopathic tincture for pollen allergies) and Benadryl (I’m one of those weird people that Benadryl actually keeps up), all at once.  Nothing seemed to give me relief; my symptoms were barely under control. I walked around in a fog, barely functioning. It seemed like I was allergic to everything that emerged from spring through autumn.

I tried Goldenrod tincture along with a boatload of synthetic allergy medicines, but it did nothing. Nevertheless, one day, something told me to take Goldenrod without anything else and it made such a huge difference. Always go with your instincts folks.  By the fourth day, I felt human again and have been that way ever since. That was over seven years ago. At first I was taking Goldenrod tincture daily to ameliorate my allergy symptoms, but over the years I’ve been able to titrate down. I always think using the least amount is best. No reason to take something you don’t need. This year, I have barely taken it at all, perhaps a couple times a month, if that. Some people ask me if Goldenrod cures allergies, I still do not have a clear answer, but it certainly strengthens the body so it can deal with them better.

Of course, I went into my apothecary, took some Goldenrod, and felt human again. It works best with symptoms of red, inflamed eyes, postnasal drip, allergy induced nose running, sinus headaches, general congestion in sinus and upper respiratory and asthma. It is important to keep in mind that Goldenrod works in concert with body’s natural immune system. Most synthetic allergy medicine alters our immune responses so Goldenrod becomes ineffective when taking with synthetic allergy medicine.

So how does Goldenrod work?

  • It is a mast cell stabilizer; it prevents mast cells from releasing the substances that cause inflammation therefore, mediating inflammatory responses.
  • It’s astringent, so it tightens tissues and tones them.
  • It’s anti-inflammatory, which helps soothe the irritations caused by the allergens.
  • It’s anti-catarrh, helping the body remove excess mucus from the sinuses or other parts of the body.
  • It also restores the cellular integrity of all the mucous membranes.

Although I no longer need Goldenrod daily, I am so glad it’s always there when I do. How are your allergies? Have you thought about trying some Goldenrod, believe me, you won’t be sorry.

If you are interested in learning more about Goldenrod, on August 25, 2018 we will be delving deeper into this magical herb with so much more healing power than you ever knew. Ameliorating allergies is just the tip of the iceberg. For more information, please check out “The Golden Answer.”

All information is shared for educational purposes only and has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.  This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.



AHHHHH Ragweed!

My savior

My savior

After a rather mild allergy year, the last couple of nights I have been waking up with a heavy chest, itchy eyes, scratchy throat and a congested head. No worries, all I needed to do is stumble to the bathroom and find my trusty Goldenrod tincture and within a couple of minutes I was able to fall back to sleep. I suspect the culprit of my discomfort is RAGWEED (Ambrosia psilostachya). It’s a rather unobtrusive weed that wreaks havoc with 30% of the human population. It really does not stand out very much as it is a little green plant with green flowers. Since Goldenrod is a much showier plant and comes out at the same time as Ragweed, it is unfairly blamed for late summer allergies. The big difference is that Ragweed’s pollen is dispersed by the wind, while Goldenrod (Solidago, spp.) has sticky pollen and relies on critters for pollination.

There it is hiding among the other plants. It looks quite innocent , but, oh no, don't be fooled.

There it is hiding among the other plants. It looks quite innocent , but, oh no, don’t be fooled.

Ragweed is very adept at wind pollination. Scientists estimate that a single Ragweed plant can release one billion grains of pollen over the course of a single Ragweed season. In addition, the grains are so light that they float easily even on gentle breezes. Pollen has been detected as far as 400 miles out to sea and up to two miles up in the atmosphere. There are a few of things a person can do to try to protect themselves from all that pollen floating around:

  • Close the windows
  • Do not use window fans
  • Use air conditioners
  • Limit time outside
  • Take a shower before bed
  • Don’t hang laundry on clotheslines
  • Use a neti pot to clean out your sinuses

I do not know about you but even though all the items above will help with my allergies, I will probably only do one or two on the list. Take a shower before bed and use the neti pot. So what do I do? Thank goodness for Goldenrod, my allergy savior. During very difficult days, I will do one of two things, depending on my mood. Add 30-60 drops of Goldenrod tincture in my water bottle, that way I will be slowly getting some all day long. Alternatively, I’ll make a quart of infused Stinging Nettles (Urtica dioica) and Goldenrod to sip throughout the day. Sometimes I add Anise Hyssop (Agastache foeniculumthat I have in the garden to improve the taste. It has a nice licorice taste and helps aids my respiratory system to boot.

My special blend of Goldenrod for allergies

How do you deal with your seasonal allergies? Please share and I will continue to share.All information is shared for educational purposes only and has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.  This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.