Waterfall Therapy

When life becomes stressful, we all have coping mechanisms. Some are better than others. Some are healthy and beneficial; others not so much. Sure, I can list numerous wonderful coping mechanisms, and describe their attributes and drawbacks, but no matter how you cope during challenging times ~ you already know if it is helpful or detrimental. You don’t need me to validate what you already know. Therefore, I am not going there, I’m just going to share with you one of my favorites:



Sure, flowing water is fabulous but nothing beats a full fledge WATERFALL gushing over a ledge, filling the air with its deafening roars as it plunges towards the earth.

Lately, I have had my share of stress. You know the kind of stress that has every cell in your body vibrating to where it seems like you will never have a clear and focused thought again. At these times, there is no filter, there are just too many “things” pulling us in every direction. During these moments, I surrender to Mother Nature because I know she will soothe and center me, especially waterfalls. All I have to do is sit near a waterfall for 5 minutes and it magically helps me release all the stress caught up in my mind and body. There are moments when I can actually feel the liberation of the stress flowing out of my cells.

IMG_1707Luckily for me, I live close to dozens of waterfalls. In fact, one of my favorite hikes is less than a mile from Mathew’s school. So, I can drop him off and hike for 5 minutes, or a half hour, or more, it really depends on my schedule for the day. And after my waterfall fix, I can face the day with focus and attention.

What do you do for stress? Please share and I continue to share.

Can’t seem to organize my thoughts

Lately, I’ve had a very challenging time organizing my thoughts in a cohesive and interesting manner. For over two years, I have pledged to myself that I will publish two blogs per week. Nothing will happen if I don’t, I just created this goal, it felt right and I am a stickler for commitments.  Luckily, my darling husband has helped by writing several blogs during this time of “writer’s overload.” I really do have a lot to say. I started at least a dozen blogs that simply do not work ~ yet. I am confident that given some time to regroup and reorganize there will be a bountiful harvest of thoughts and wonderful information to share after I move through this period. So what’s the problem? After much contemplation, I can identify two basic circumstances that have contributed to my “writer’s overload.”

1. My father had a heart attack.

After Mathew was finished with school in June, we went to visit my folks in Florida. Although, my Dad having a heart attack, could not be said to be unexpected. After all he is an 87 year old man who has been dealing with arteriosclerosis for over forty years and had a triple bi-pass when he was 59, it was just a matter of time before something was going to happen. Needless to say, it was a shock. I stayed in Florida to help coordinate care and support my mom for almost a month, then my brother took over duties for two weeks, before I returned for another week. It has been a very busy summer.  

2. My body is moving out of the “childbearing years to maturity”.

One night after visiting my Dad all day at the hospital, my Mom and I watched “Real Time with Bill Maher.” I do not have cable, so it was a real treat. Sandra Tsing Loh was one of his guests. I had never heard of her but she was fabulous. She recently wrote “The Madwoman in the Volvo,” and dead-on with her analysis of what woman in their midlife are going through nowadays.

Here’s the clip:


Recently, I read a passage by Susun Weed: “Be gentle with yourself. The internal processes that occur during puberty, motherhood, menopause or any other profound change in your life require tremendous amounts of energy. Even if you provide yourself with very high quality nutrients and use your energy wisely, you may still feel unreasonably tired. Many cultures offer newborns and moms a quiet, alone month or more, allow menopausal women to retire for a year or more while they Change, and give grieving parents/partners/children/friends time off from responsibility. If yours doesn’t, if you can’t, at least be gentle with yourself.”

At this point, I realized that I just needed to give myself a break and focus on what is in front of me ~ coordinating services for my Dad and supporting my Mom during this period. I will start publishing new blogs when I am ready and my thoughts can be easily organized again. Although there is so much to do, I am attempting to be gentle on myself.

I hope you are gentle with yourself.