Feeling a little burnt out?

There are just those periods when life is merely overwhelming. Sometimes it’s because there are simply too many tasks to complete and not nearly enough time. Moreover, those times are days when you really need a good night’s sleep and it seems impossible to get more than four hours straight. Your body and mind are so fatigued, and everyday you feel worse. With no salvation in the near distance you just spiral downward, perhaps your body will give out and you will simply get very sick, ahhh now perhaps you will get those restful hours of sleep your body has needed for such a long time. Does this sound familiar? I think everyone must go through this from time to time; unfortunately, some experience this more often than not.

At those particular times, it is paramount to take care of ourselves; nonetheless, it is so difficult to do so. There are wonderful herbs known as adaptogens that can really make it easier to move through the day and not collapse. As the word implies, adaptogens increases your body’s ability to adapt and resist stress. It knows what your body needs and helps it adapt so you don’t reach the point of total burnout. When you are exhausted, they give you energy and when your nerves are frazzled, it soothes and calms them. Sounds wonderful, right? You bet it is.

There are a variety of adaptogens herbs out there. Today, I will be focusing on Ashwagandha Root (Withania somnifera). Ashwagandha (known as Indian Ginseng) has been used as an Ayurvedic herb for over 3000 years. Ayurveda classifies Ashwagandha as a rasayana, which is an herb that deeply rejuvenates and promotes longevity. And that’ something we all need.

There are two interpretations for the name Ashwagandha: the smell of a horse, perhaps because some people think the fresh root smells like horse’s urine and has a strong unpleasant taste but I prefer the other interpretation, the strength of a horse, since it is a wonderful energy builder. It increases the body’s ability to adapt and deal with tension and anxiety. It helps increase memory, facilitates learning, and promotes general well-being as it enhances stamina. Ashwagandha is excellent for both mental and physical fatigue. It can significantly reduce cortisol (which is released when stressed) concentrations and the immunosuppressive effect of stress.  Because it can both strengthen and calm the nervous system, it can help increase energy levels gently, meaning it won’t give you that crash and burn effect that sugar and caffeine often does. Taken over time, Ashwagandha can build up emaciated tissues, decrease the negative affects of stress and increase energy levels.

Since Ashwagandha is not overtly stimulating, one of its benefits is that it is a gentle sedative and supports healthy sleep cycles. Its Latin species name is somnifera, refers to its ability to support sleep. Instead of thinking of it as an herb for acute insomnia, it is something that when taken over time it can restore nervous system health and healthy sleep cycles.

Not only is Ashwagandha excellent in assisting the body adapt to stress it is used for a variety of degenerative, wasting and chronic diseases, including arthritis, TB, fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue. Because it helps builds tissue and supports overall health it can help people regain their strength while strengthens and supporting the immune system.

Ashwagandha seems to help and strengthen the whole body. Research has found that it protects and supports the immune system, helps combat the effects of stress, improves learning, memory, and reaction time, reduces anxiety and depression without causing drowsiness, helps reduce brain-cell degeneration, stabilizes blood sugar, helps lower cholesterol, offers anti-inflammatory benefits, and actually enhances sexual potency for both men and women. Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center notes the benefits of Ashwagandha on their website as it was “found to reduce growth of breast, central nervous system, colon, and lung cancer cells without affecting normal cells. It was shown to prevent chemotherapy-induced neutropenia in mice. In a small study of breast cancer patients, Ashwagandha alleviated chemo-induced fatigue and improved the quality of life.”

What’s not to love about this wonderful herb? Well, the taste tends to be a bit strong and unpleasant. That is why when I first started working with it; I made a wonderful herbal honey with it. I blend Ashwagandha powdered root with Buckwheat honey, which has an equally bold but yummy taste. It has a nice balanced flavor. The honey is perfect for sweeten tea, coffee, oatmeal but I enjoy it best on a peanut butter sandwich.  I also make a tincture with the roots for when I need a stronger and more consistent dose. The traditional Ayurvedic preparation of Ashwagandha is to simmer the root in milk, with a bit of honey added at the end.

Ashwagandha root may be found at your local health food store or at Mountain Rose Herbs.

All information is shared for educational purposes only and has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.  This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Paying attention

Wow, I thought 2016 was a rough year, but it was only preparing us for 2017. I cannot believe that we are only in the second month of the year, and our new president has been in office for a little over a month. Never did I ever anticipate such a shit storm and test of the United States’ Constitution. And boy is it being tested, along with every single person who we have chosen to represent us. From where I sit, our representatives are failing us, but thank goodness our Founding Fathers had insight into human nature and the endless reach of corruption. Gotta love those checks and balances.

I am reminded of a bump sticker that I had on my car in the 80s, “If You’re Not Outraged, You’re Not Paying Attention.” And folks, it’s hard not to pay attention nowadays, since social media has put us in touch with every fact or alternative fact, every minute of every day. It is important to be well informed, but our lives are overwhelmed with information. It’s emotionally and physically exhausting; talk about information overload. During times like these, it is important to simply walk away and refuel, nourish our bodies and souls so we can continue to fight the good fight another day. Because it looks like we are in for a marathon. I know it is getting harder, to walk away as there are so many fights on so many fronts happening simultaneously. But it is important to refuel and nourish our bodies.

During these frigid days of winter refueling is a bit more challenging. I love winter hiking but if it’s below 24° F, I’m not going hiking ~ so I spend more days inside than out. Therefore, I have to make deliberate attempts to peel myself away from current events. Luckily, our home has large windows, surrounding us with sunlight and nature. I’m not sure what I would do without our bird feeders and their visitors. They always make my day. One of my favorite refueling rituals is to take a break in the late morning, listen to music (instead of the constant stream of NPR), sit by the wood stove, observe the critters, and sip some nourishing Stinging Nettles (Urtica dioica) infusion. Sometimes I even throw in some yoga to round off the morning.

Information overload tends to keep us in a constant “fight or flight response.” Our bodies are not made for that, they need to relax and not be in perpetual survival mode, where there is constant release of adrenaline, noradrenaline and cortisol into our bloodstream, putting our bodies on red alert, preparing our body to “fight” or “flight.” The overexposure to cortisol and other stress hormones can disrupt almost all of our body’s processes. This is not good. The body and mind need some balance to operate at optimal levels.

Pausing every day is no doubt invaluable, but drinking a quart of Nettle infusion nourishes the body, and it is an amazing restorative tonic for exhausted adrenals. Nettles are a powerhouse of protein, vitamins, minerals, iron, and critical trace minerals, like selenium, sulphur, zinc, chromium, and boron. Since Nettles are a powerful tonic for the kidney, adrenal, and thyroid glands, they in turn help increase and stabilize energy levels. They are all about rebuilding and restoring the body during these tough times; and right now that is exactly what our body needs.

Do yourself a favor, take a break every day, breathe deeply, observe nature, do yoga and drink some Nettle infusion. Your body and mind with be grateful and with be strong enough to endure these very challenging times.

“If we don’t maintain a balance between our work and the nourishment we need, we won’t be very successful. The practice of walking meditation, mindful breathing, allowing our body and mind to rest, and getting in touch with the refreshing and healing elements inside and around us is crucial for our survival.”~ Zen master Thich Nhat Han