Do you suffer from stress overload?

Like all sentient beings, from time to time I am a victim of stress overload. There are times when I cannot simply shake it off and move on. I am also pretty bad at focusing on my needs before I take care of others. I know the airlines’ emergency speech by heart and definitely agree with it, as it makes perfect sense: “Put your oxygen mask on first.” Nevertheless, for me it is harder to practice when I see others in need. I know it’s not healthy but that is the way I am wired. I’ve been trying to get rewired for a looong time but to no avail.

When I do take a moment to relieve my stress, my favorite thing to do is to sit by a waterfall and listen, watch and feel the stress float out of my body. And then there is a moment where the sunlight streams in and I can actually “see” my stress floating away.

Check this out! You can actually see all my stress floating away into the atmosphere. The best part about it is that once it is released, it loses all its power and will not settle into anyone else – the waterfalls and the sunlight filters all the stress and makes it powerless.

mistI highly recommend this practice.

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